Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #1

People, unless they are nilly-willy or very sick, cannot be taken into the hands and changed overnight to something more worthwhile and profitable. (Ballad.5)

A reputation is created, and immovable, whether it's verifiably true or not. So does that mean Marvin Macy wasn't as bad as all that?

Quote #2

Now this was the day that the rumor started—the rumor so terrible that the town and all the country about were stunned by it. (Ballad.44)

It moments like this that make us wonder about who the narrator is, and what they can and can't know.

Quote #3

It was a fierce and sickly tale the town built up that day. (Ballad.46)

This rumor is described as "sickly," just as Lymon is. And we don't know much for sure about either's origins.