Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


While there's nothing sexually explicit in Ballad and the other stories in this book, there are certainly adult themes. McCullers explores different expressions of gender and sexuality. Much is made of masculine, stoic Miss Amelia with her "muscles like a man" (Ballad.4) and looker Marvin Macy, who breaks every girly heart in town before coming to blows with his bride.

The townsfolk gossip about whether Miss Amelia and Cousin Lymon are "in love" or simply love each other, and if it their relationship could be construed as incest. Even though we find out that they sleep in separate bedrooms, we (like the town) can only speculate if "these two were living in sin" (Ballad.79).

Discussions of gender and sexuality aren't really "steamy," but the book—with its frank discussions of unconventional romantic relationships—can certainly feel grown up.