The Bean Trees Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Mattie and Lou Ann and the others stood in the early-morning light holding kids and waving. It could have been the most ordinary family picture, except for the backdrop of white-wall tires. Esperanza and Turtle waved until they were out of sight. I kept blinking my eyes like windshield wipers, trying to keep a clear view of the road. (13.180)

Lots and lots of people have gathered to wish Taylor, Turtle, Estevan, and Esperanza goodbye, but as Taylor looks at them all, she thinks of them as a "family." In The Bean Trees, family, friendship, and community form a trio of interrelated themes: to Taylor and the others, they are all wrapped up together. Kind of like beans in a pod. Oh wait, that's peas…