Beautiful Creatures Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Kami Garcia's favorite authors include Harper Lee, Ray Bradbury, and J.D. Salinger. We're not surprised, since references to all three—and then some—show up in this book. (Source.)

Margaret Stohl has a Legend of Zelda poster hanging on her wall. What, no Metroid? (Source.)

This Southern reviewer thought Beautiful Creatures perfectly captured the essence—and the humidity!—of the South. Do you agree?

Kevin T. Collins, who reads the part of Ethan on the audiobook, also voices an audiobook for The Vampire Diaries and has appeared in three different episodes of Law & Order. That's our kind of fame.

Both authors are avid tweeters. Follow them on twitter @kamigarcia and @mstohl. Oh, and while you're at it, check us out @shmoop.

No wonder Ethan's such a brainiac. The scent of rosemary (Lena's favorite) has been shown to improve cognitive performance and mood. (Source.)