Society and Class Quotes in Beautiful Creatures

How we cite our quotes: (Date.Paragraph)

Quote #1

That's the thing I hated most about Gatlin. The way everyone had something to say about everything you said or did or, in this case, wore. (9.02[2].61)

Gatlin: gossip capital of South Carolina. Is this unusual or do you think everyone's hometown is a rumor mill?

Quote #2

It was stupid that all the guys had to meet up before school on Wednesday mornings. (9.02[3].56)

Why is Ethan friends with these kids if he doesn't like the way they act? Seriously, we're asking.

Quote #3

Knowing my parents' sensibilities, my mom had probably been proud of Ethan Carter Wate. (9.12[3].153)

Ethan's mom was pretty rebellious, feeling sympathetic toward a Confederate deserter. Heck, she even named her son after the guy.