Beauty Queens Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph), For Prologue: (P.Paragraph), For Epilogue: (E.Paragraph), For footnotes: (Chapter.F.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Watching Taylor, sunkissed and bronzed and effortless, Petra felt jealous and more than a little out of her league. What was she doing here? What did she hope to prove? That she, Petra West, had just as much right to the Miss Teen Dream crown as all these other girls? That there was beauty in her too? She could still drop out, she supposed. (6.10)

In the beginning, there was insecurity. Even fabulous Petra can't stop comparing her looks to someone else's.

Quote #2

In her head, Nicole heard her mother's voice, the million-and-one times she'd turned to Nicole with an "Isn't that right, baby?" or "Nicole agrees with her mama, don't you?" She heard her mother's voice and she gave the response she'd always wanted to give. "I don't know what you're talking about." (10.41)

Go Nicole! That rebuke may be in her head, but it's as big a rebellion as she's ever had. Away from her mom, she's finally able to stop going along with what other people tell her to do and think.

Quote #3

Jennifer watched, awestruck, at Sosie's grace and power and utter lack of self-consciousness. For most of her life, Jennifer had learned to hold her emotions in check. But it was obvious that Sosie had full access to hers, and Jennifer felt envious of her ease. She wondered why she'd held so tightly to her feelings for so long, and if it might be possible to give them some slack. (12.32)

For Jennifer, it takes watching someone else she likes to make her realize how she wants to feel. Love plus admiration can lead to a whole new stake on one's own self.