Beetlejuice Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. Beetlejuice was one of Tim Burton's film major films. Compare and contrast it to some of the other movies that he'd go on to direct.
  2. Is it a little strange that the film asks us to identify with dead people rather than living people like a traditional horror movie would? Why do you think Beetlejuice goes this route?
  3. One of the main conflicts in Beetlejuice is the clash between the quaint, country Maitlands and the post-modern Deetzes. Whose decorating style do you prefer?
  4. How would Beetlejuice be different if it were told from Lydia's point of view? How about from Delia's?
  5. Do you think that Lydia's morbid Goth thing is a pose, or is she really that alienated and depressed?
  6. What do you think is the main message of Beetlejuice? What's the film trying to say about death (if anything)?
  7. Why do you think that the filmmakers decided to show an additional scene featuring Betelgeuse at the end of the movie?
  8. Could the film have done away with all the special effects (snakes, killer shrimp) and still have been convincing?
  9. Could anyone other than Tim Burton have made a movie like this and gotten away with it?
  10. Do you agree with all the Afterlife = DMV comparisons that critics have made? (Hint: If not, you've never been to the DMV.)