Belle Prater's Boy Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

In the midst of this carrying on and acting like a fool, I glanced up at Buzz and I saw he was not laughing at all. Huh-oh. Somebody musta stepped on his corns real hard. He was looking at Woodrow like he might want to clobber him.

"Hey Woodrow," he hollered suddenly. "Was your mama cross-eyed?" (12.54-55)

Buzz is a total jerk when he's not the center of attention. Because Woodrow is popular with all the other kids, Buzz decides to attack him personally by pointing out his crossed eyes—and by bringing up his mother. Talk about a low blow.

Quote #8

"I know," Grandpa said. "He is good like you say, and he is sensitive too, like Belle was. She wanted more than anything to be pretty like your mama, but she just wasn't. And folks were always comparing them. Right in front of Belle they'd talk about what a beauty Love was." (13.44)

No wonder Belle was always so jealous and resentful of Love: People didn't have enough tact to stop comparing her to her sister, who was naturally more beautiful and popular with the boys.

Quote #9

It was maddening to me how he could stir up a whole town in a single afternoon and not even get scolded for it and I could never get away with anything at all. I reckon it was about that time I came across a streak of jealousy I didn't know was hiding and festering in me. (16.20)

Gypsy becomes irrationally mad at Woodrow when he gets away with telling Mrs. Cooper that her drink is spiked. She feels like everyone thinks that he's funny and clever while they just see her as a pretty girl with no substance.