Belle Prater's Boy Sadness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"At the time it seemed to me a terribly immature, impulsive, reckless thing she did, and so spiteful! Like she hated us. Like it didn't matter who she married as long as she got away from us.

"But now I see it with different eyes. She was so hurt… and desperate. She had to leave, not because she hated us, but because seeing me and Amos together every day was like opening up a wound over and over." (5.36-37)

When Belle ran off with Uncle Everett, everyone thought it was a mean and immature thing to do, but now Love realizes she did it out of pain. She just wanted to get away from the people who were causing her so much heartbreak.

Quote #5

I woke up crying for my mother, and I didn't feel grown-up at all, nor did I want to be. She came to me as she always did, gentle and silent, rocking me like a baby in her arms.

"I can't see its face, Mama," I sobbed. "Why can't I make out its face?"

She said nothing, but the sadness in her eyes told me she knew the answers and could not bear to tell me. (5.50-52)

Though Gypsy is usually happy during the day—since she can keep the bad thoughts at bay—she isn't so lucky at night. All of her fear and sadness catch up to her in the form of some seriously disturbing nightmares.

Quote #6

I remember sinking… sinking… I was hot, and so sad. Don't look in the window. Something ugly is inside. (10.53)

Poor Gypsy feels so sad and scared when she has the measles and drifts in and out of consciousness. Little snippets of her father's death—and how she found his body—keep invading her dreams. So much for sweet dreams.