Beloved Character Quotes


Beloved Character Quotes

Sethe Quotes

Sure, the whole book is named after Beloved. But hey, just because you have something named after you doesn't mean you're the (only) star. Is Grey's Anatomy only about Meredith Grey? Our point exac...

Beloved Quotes

Where to begin? Beloved is the sun, the moon, the stars… in other words, she's everything in this book. Without Beloved, the story would lack a core and a structure—without her, we have no plot...

Denver Quotes

If you think Beloved has the right to some serious griping, wait until you read about Denver. Sure, Denver's ahead of Beloved on a couple of counts: Sethe never killed Denver and no one questions t...

Paul D Quotes

Paul D is damaged goods with a heart of gold. Think dark, tall, handsome, and sensitive. Jackpot.But he wasn't always this way. In fact, it's not until he gets to 124 and Sethe that he starts to tu...

Baby Suggs Quotes

The "Unchurched Preacher"Baby Suggs is that person you go to with all of your deep, scary problems—the kind of problems you can't tell your parents or even your best friend. She's the all-loving...

Stamp Paid Quotes

What's With the Name?If ever there were a character defined by his name, Stamp Paid's the guy. In fact, he straight out tells us the story behind his name. That means you can stop racking your brai...

Schoolteacher Quotes

Sometimes evil looks a lot like a vanilla wafer. And that's schoolteacher—a boring, benign-looking academic-type, glasses and all. Scratch the surface, though, and you've got a prototype for Dr....

Sixo Quotes

Sixo's the ultimate rebel. If he were around today, he'd probably be an activist, maybe even a community organizer. Let's take a look:• He's the one to plan the escape from Sweet Home (19.197). â...

Mr. and Mrs. Garner Quotes

Is there such a thing as a good slaveowner? That's what you have to ask yourself when you come across the Garners. After all, they aren't flat-out horrendous like schoolteacher. In fact, when you f...

Mr. and Miss Bodwin Quotes

The Do-GoodersThis brother and sister duo is a lot like the Garners; they're the "safe," "good" white folks in Beloved. They do have one up on the Garners, though; the Bodwins actually walk the wal...