Captain Delano Timeline and Summary


Captain Delano Timeline and Summary

  • Captain Delano sees a raggedy ship approaching from a distance.
  • He immediately sets out to see what's going on, bringing only a couple of his trusted guys.
  • When he gets on board, he's immediately swarmed by slaves and Spanish sailors. Turns out they're starving and thirsty.
  • Delano meets Benito Cereno, the Spanish captain of the ship.
  • He immediately thinks that Cereno is suspicious-looking, but can't put his finger on why.
  • Cereno tells him a harrowing tale of being stuck in a storm while the whole crew gets scurvy.
  • Delano sees some weird stuff, like slaves beating a Spanish sailor boy. He can't for the life of him figure out why Cereno doesn't seem to care.
  • Delano offers to buy Cereno's trusty servant, Babo, but Cereno doesn't really seem to respond at all.
  • Delano runs into an old Spanish sailor tying a knot. The sailor tries to communicate something to Delano about untying the knot, but Delano is totally clueless.
  • Delano starts prodding Cereno for more details about the crazy storm they went through.
  • Babo tells Cereno it's time for his shave, so Delano just hangs around and watches.
  • Delano finally decides to head back to his boat, but Cereno won't stop holding his hand.
  • Delano manages to get in his little boat to head back to the Bachelor's Delight, but Cereno jumps in with him.
  • Babo jumps in, too, and seems like he's trying to stab Delano. Finally, realization dawns: he's trying to stab his "master," Cereno!
  • The pieces start to come together for Delano. He orders his crew to attack the rebel San Dominick.
  • The Bachelor's Delight wins the battle and arrests all the former slaves.
  • Delano has one last conversation with a melancholy Cereno, who seems to be upset about Babo's execution.