Benito Cereno Resources


Binge-Read All of Melville

Got a lot of time on your hands and an interest in reading all the Melville? UPenn helpfully compiled all of Melville's works available online. Knock yourself out!

See His Mean Mug

Got a burning desire to see what Mr. Melville looks like? Here's a description of what he looked like from his passport.

Amateur Graffiti Artist

Melville totally scribbled over everything. Lucky for us, someone keeps track of these things and dedicated a site to Melville's marginalia.

Movie or TV Productions

Benito Cereno (French '60s version)

It might not be exactly as Melville pictured it, but this French film version of "Benito Cereno" has lots of 1960s flair. Oui oui?

The Enigma of Benito Cereno

You can look forward to this seemingly enigmatic portrayal of our favorite sea captain.

Articles and Interviews

Capitalism, Slavery, and Sea Captains

Ever wondered what those three things have in common? Wonder no more! 


Kick Back and Listen to the Ocean

Want to rest your tired eyes and dream of the rollicking sea? Listen to this audio recording on YouTube of "Benito Cereno" (in parts).


A Real Slave Revolt

The slave rebellion aboard the San Dominick could really have happened. Here, the New York Times provides a picture of an actual slave revolt that took place aboard a ship.