Bert Breen's Barn Chapter 33 Summary

  • Around Christmas, Tom finds out from Bancel Moucheaud that Mr. Armond, a rich lawyer who splits his time between New York City and the country, bought the Breen place.
  • Mr. Parker, who runs the Armond farm, told Bancel that the Flanchers were still hanging around the Breen house. He's pretty angry about that.
  • Billy-Bob isn't surprised to hear the purchaser was Armond because the Armond property is adjacent to the Breen property.
  • Billy-Bob says Armond paid $100 for the property, twice what it would have gone for for taxes by the county. Billy-Bob suggests that Tom wait until spring when Armond will be on his farm and offer him $50 down and $50 after the place is built.
  • Tom worries about the cost, but Billy-Bob thinks it will be okay. He even offers to take him to the bank for a loan if need be.