Bert Breen's Barn Chapter 35 Summary

  • Tom introduces himself to Mr. Armond and explains his purpose for the visit.
  • Mr. Armond asks why Tom wants the barn. For the answer, you can go back and start the book from the beginning.
  • In short, Tom gives his life story about how his father left, how his mother worked hard for them, and how he got the idea to buy the Breen barn.
  • Mr. Armond asks about the Widow Breen, so Tom tells him about the two times he visited her.
  • Then they talk money. Tom offers $50 down and $50 more in a year, maybe two if he has to buy a lot of lumber to replace roof boards or siding broken during the move.
  • Mr. Armond says he can see Tom has thought about this a lot. He says he will take $50 down and $25 next year.
  • Pretty generous, huh?
  • Two conditions: Mr. Armond stipulates that Tom has to leave little mess and he also has to tear the old house down.
  • Deal.
  • Mr. Armond takes Tom's money, gives him a receipt, and introduces him to Parker Munsey so that he will know Tom has permission to be on the property taking down the barn and tearing down the house.
  • Parker is not a friendly dude, and he makes it clear he is the boss. But he doesn't hamper the business transaction.
  • Tom's got himself a barn!