Big Poppy Resources


Ted Hughes's Page

A good bio, and a bibliography of all his major poetry collections.

Ted Hughes's Page

This page has a biography as well as great info on his nature poems (like "Big Poppy").


This website is all about Ted Hughes, and clicking-through is actually a surprising amount of fun, not to mention informative!


Paris Review Interview

An interview with Ted Hughes from 1995.

Analysis of "Thought-Fox"

A loosely academic article about the nature of Puritanism vs. violence in one of Hughes's poems. Great for a model analysis!

Ted Hughes and Romanticism

True scholarly article – difficult, but great in terms of what it means to be a "Romantic" poet. Also includes some thoughts by Hughes himself on the nature of poetry. [PDF]


Tribute to Ted Hughes

Interviews, some readings – eight minutes of Hughes goodness.

Readings of Crow

Mostly audio, but also has a couple of neat, creepy images that go by in mosaic. Hughes is the one reading – definitely worth a listen.


…you know, in case you needed a reminder that these things are brightly colored.


Ted Hughes: The life of a poet

A new-ish biography by Elaine Feinstein that attempts to chronicle, gently, the life of the often antagonized and controversial Hughes.

The Laughter of Foxes: A Study of Ted Hughes

Another study of the life and works of Hughes, published in 2000 – with focus on the poetry more so than the life.

Movies & TV

Sylvia, 2003

A dramatization of s the unsettling and complicated relationship between Ted Hughes and the poet Sylvia Plath. This movie stars Gwyneth Paltrow as Plath and Daniel Craig (a.k.a. James Bond) as Hughes.

The Iron Giant, 1999

This animated film is very loosely based on a famous Hughes short story by the same name.