The Big Sleep Resources


The Raymond Chandler Website

Need any helpful criticism or additional links on Chandler and his works? This is the site for you.

Movies or TV Productions

The Big Sleep (1946)

Chandler's novel was made into a film starring Bogart as Marlowe and Bacall as Vivian. Bogart embodies pretty much everything we want to see in a tough hardboiled detective, and this movie was an instant classic. Watch it. Like, now.

The Big Sleep (1978)

Robert Mitchum takes on the main role in this version. Some say that they like Mitchum's portrayal of Marlowe, even more than Bogart's classic portrayal. We'll leave it up to you to decide who's better.


Chandler Interview with Ian Fleming

Total awesomeness. This is only interview ever recorded with Chandler, and it just so happens to be with the guy that wrote the James Bond novels. Worlds colliding.


The Big Sleep Trailer

If this doesn't make you want to watch the whole movie, then we don't know what will.


Chandler with Pipe

Here's Chandler in his forties, hard at work churning out that hardboiled prose.

Chandler's Los Angeles

Photographer Catherine Corman captures Chandler's gritty Los Angeles in her book Daylight Noir.

Bogart and Bacall Movie Poster

Nothing beats a vintage 1940s movie poster with the celebrated Bogart and Bacall duo.

Mitchum as Marlowe Movie Poster

And we can't forget about the movie poster of gun-toting Robert Mitchum playing Marlowe, either.