Big Two-Hearted River (Parts I and II) Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

“Go on, hopper,” Nick said, speaking out loud for the first time. “Fly away somewhere.” (I.14)

What does flying away evoke for you? Freedom? Letting go? That tear-jerking movie from the 90s with Anna Paquin? The point is, Nick sees some hope for the grasshopper because he can transcend what has harmed him in the past (think of flying away as leaving your problems behind)—and that means that there is some hope for Nick as well.

Quote #5

He washed his hands at the stream. He was excited to be near it. (II.4)

Note that it doesn’t say that Nick was excited to fish; he’s excited just to be near the stream. What does the stream mean for Nick, other than clean hands? Well, remember how earlier Nick uses the river instead of a map to guide him? The river seems to be something that Nick can count on to be there for him.

Quote #6

Nick did not like to fish with other men on the river. Unless they were of your party, they spoiled it. (II.23)

Nothing like other people to ruin your entire day, areweright? For Nick at least, fishing is not a social event; it seems to be very much a period for introversion and solitude. Hey, those things can be pretty great too. In terms of the story, this passage tells us that Nick, at least right now, really can’t stand the company of other people. Why else hike all the way out into the middle-of-nowhere wilderness just to fish?