Bird by Bird Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Bird by Bird? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. According to Lamott, writing will teach you to be:

A ninja
A giver
A talented executive
A fantastic stage performer
Q. Lamott wrote two of her books as presents to people she loved. She was writing them for:

Her mother and her sister
The retirement home where she volunteers
The producers at Marvel Studios
Her father and her friend Pammy
Q. Lamott says you don't always have to chop with the sword of truth. What else does she think you can do with it?

Stab the baddies in Assassin's Creed
Pull it from a stone and prove you're the future ruler of England
Q. Lamott says writing is fundamentally about expressing what?

Your favorite kind of Pop-Tarts
Q. For Lamott, the writer is usually:

A solitary genius
A confident businessperson
A part of communities
A multibillionaire who joins Castle for poker night