Bird by Bird Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Bird by Bird? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why bother writing? Which of these reasons is Lamott most excited about?

Getting published
Making millions
Telling something true about life
Impressing friends
Q. How important is it to just keep writing for a long time, in Lamott's opinion?

Reasonably important, but not as important as going to the right college
Sort of important, but not like having amazing natural talent
Huge—this is a big part of what being a writer means
Not important at all, compared to having an awesome Instagram presence
Q. How helpful is a writing group, according to Lamott?

Not at all
Sort of helpful, but not as good as going to a famous writing seminar
Super helpful, for most writers
Helpful, but not as helpful as having a compilation of '80s soundtracks to inspire you
Q. Which reason is not a good one for writing, according to Lamott?

To have fantastic job satisfaction all the time
To help yourself process your life (and maybe get through therapy faster)
To make you a better reader
To make it so that sometimes other people will identify with what you're saying
Q. Why is Lamott so into hope, in a snarky kind of way? Which of the following reasons is not one she gives?

Because hope means you'll eventually write an Oscar-winning movie
Because writing is fantastically satisfying sometimes, if you stick with it long enough
Because she thinks it's important to live well even though we're all going to die
Because it takes forever to make any kind of money writing