Birdman Cast

Birdman Cast

Meet the Cast

Riggan Thomson (Michael Keaton)

RigganmanOh, Riggan. He's a deadbeat dad who meditates in his undies. He's a talented actor who's more than a bit suicidal. He's an aspiring director who wants to be remembered.And he's also, of co...

Mike Shiner (Edward Norton)

The Great PretenderMike, like the open book he is, pretty much tells us the key to his identity:MIKE: I don't pretend out there, I told you. I pretend just about everywhere else, but not out there....

Sam (Emma Stone)

Sam is the classic combo of tough-as-nails and deeply wounded. She's an ex-addict with a heart of gold, a damsel in distress with a "Go to hell" attitude. And it's all her dad's fault.Let's look at...

Lesley (Naomi Watts)

Birdman doesn't go for the cheap shots when it comes to Lesley. Sure, she's an actress…and this film doesn't have a whole lot of nice things to say about people who make their living before an au...

Laura (Andrea Riseborough)

Here's what we know about Laura:She's with Riggan.She's preggers.Her name is the same as the character she plays in Riggan's adaptation of What We Talk About When We Talk About Love.Add those three...

Jake (Zach Galifianakis)

Jake's a casualty of the war Riggan wages against…well, pretty much everything: his old self, critics, Hollywood, his own dressing room. As Riggan's lawyer and manager, Jake's tied up in the succ...

Sylvia (Amy Ryan)

Riggan's ex-wife is one of the only normal people in the wacky world of Birdman. She's a center of stability…which, of course, Riggan pretty much ignores. Maybe he ignores her because she's not p...

Tabitha (Lindsay Duncan)

Tabitha's kind of like the velociraptors from Jurassic Park—long before we actually see her, we hear a lot about her. And we're scared. Early on, Jake calls her "that old bat from the New York Ti...

Ralph (Jeremy Shamos)

This character only gets a couple minutes of screen time, but he sure takes the spotlight…right to the head. Ralph is just a tragic actor who's in the way of Riggan's path of destruction, and he...