Birdman Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance).

Quote #1

As the letters of the Raymond Carver poem, "Late Fragment," disappear alphabetically, four letters remain. From left to right and top to bottom they read A-M-O-R.

Amor is the Spanish word for love. These letters seem to be the leftover, haphazard fragments of a fragment; a hidden love that materializes out of the chaos, just as Riggan's love for his family finally finds the surface of his entropic life in the final act…or maybe Iñárritu just wanted to subliminally tell us to love his movie, you never know.

Quote #2

SYLVIA: You know, just because I didn't like that ridiculous comedy you did with Goldie Hawn did not mean that I did not love you. That's what you always do: you confuse love for admiration.

This goes back to Riggan's need to be respected. He doesn't understand the difference between someone respecting his work and someone loving who he is outside of it. The lines between his reality and the fictions he lives in have become blurred (e.g. Birdman) so that Sylvia's dislike of his movie makes him feel unloved.

Quote #3

LAURA, PLAYED BY LAURA: I didn't want that baby. Not because I didn't love Nick, and not because I didn't love the idea of it, but just because I wasn't ready to love myself.

The real Laura want's a baby, even if she doubts her parenting skills, but we can't say the same for Riggan. He doesn't manage to cover his ambiguous baby feelings with fake excitement, and we think that he's a bit too focused on himself and his reputation to care for, or to want to care for, a baby. It's a lack of self-acceptance that both play-Laura and Riggan struggle with.