Black Beauty Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"If a thing is right, it can be done, and if it is wrong, it can be done without; and a good man will find a way. And that is as true for us cabmen as it is for the churchgoers." (36.29)

The devout Jerry Barker gives us a lot of moral lectures in this book; he's one principled guy. Here's another strong belief from Jerry, a gem of wisdom that sounds like something from a sermon. Which isn't surprising, because Jerry's a big fan of going to church.

Quote #8

"My doctrine is this, that if we see cruelty or wrong that we have the power to stop, and do nothing, we make ourselves sharers in the guilt." (38.17)

Something that comes up over and over again in Black Beauty is the idea of taking action when we see something that's not right. It's safe to say that this was probably a strong principle of Anna Sewell's since she gives us several anecdotes about the importance of getting involved.

Quote #9

"An election is a very serious thing; at least it ought to be, and every man ought to vote according to his conscience, and let his neighbour do the same." (42.17)

Here's another reminder about the importance of speaking up: Sewell includes an election in Beauty's story, and makes sure to let us know how crucial it is to vote. So not only is it important to follow your own moral code, it's also important to stand up for those views.