Criminality Quotes in Black Mass: Whitey Bulger, the FBI, and a Devil's Deal

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Connolly's proposal was simple: inform on La Cosa Nostra and let the FBI do the rest. (1.1.26)

In his quest to take down the Mafia, Connolly turns to Bulger, hoping that the gangster can help him infiltrate the tight-lipped organization. In the immortal words of Gob Bluth: he's made a huge mistake.

Quote #2

Dennis Condon and Paul Rico were among the handful of agents picked to staff the city's first-ever Organized Crime Squad. (1.4.5)

In horrendously ironic fashion, the very agents chosen to take down the Mafia end up fostering corruption within the FBI. Funny how things pan out. Paul Rico in particular is the big granddaddy of them all: he brings Flemmi on as an informant and covers for him when he gets in hot water.

Quote #3

Bulger was making his move upward as a crime boss in his own right. (1.5.85)

In the least surprising development ever, Bulger starts rising the criminal ladder as soon as he develops a relationship with the FBI. Who could've guessed that…except everyone.