Black Mass: Whitey Bulger, the FBI, and a Devil's Deal Theme of Rules and Order

If you hate to hear about people breaking rules, then you better stay away from Black Mass.

Whitey Bulger, a notorious Boston gangster, has a secret: he's an informant for the FBI. And not just any informant. The informant. To protect their top dog, FBI agents John Connolly and John Morris do a lot of suspicious things: forging paperwork, burying intel, and in some cases even leaking information to Bulger. That's got to be against regulation.

Although government agencies like the FBI are supposed to be bound to the law without qualification, Black Mass shows how quickly the law can be tossed aside.

Questions About Rules and Order

  1. What leads John Morris to so blatantly subvert FBI protocol, despite having formerly been a model agent?
  2. What sort of unspoken rules are broken by the FBI's relationship with Bulger?
  3. How does the FBI's deal with Bulger contribute to the chaotic environment of South Boston?
  4. What is the most morally egregious lawbreaking committed by the Organized Crime Squad?