Bless Me, Ultima Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Line)

Quote #1

"I must go. He was my brother!" (2.103)

Chavez says this to Antonio's father. It's his argument as to why he, Chavez, can't simply let other men track down Lupito, the man who killed Chavez's brother. Right off the bat, Anaya starts to tie the idea of revenge with the idea of honor. Revenge, in most cases in the book, isn't just about violence or even over-reaction; it's about standing up for family and loved ones. Keep this in mind, because it plays out even in Tenorio's revenge, although honor gets a little twisted in that guy's mind.

Quote #2

"For what you have said to shame my daughters and my good name in front of those men, I will see you dead!" (10.414-416)

Talk about your foreshadowing, right? Tenorio drops this classy line on Ultima in chapter 10. It will take him about twelve more chapters to make it happen, but he does prove true to his words in the end.

Quote #3

"Your evil bird blinded me!" he cried. "For that I curse you! I will see you dead! And you, Narciso, I swear to kill you!" (12.480-482)

Angry old Tenorio is cursing Ultima again and promising he'll kill her. Big deal. I mean, saying he's going to kill Ultima is like a mantra for this guy. But, if you look closer, there's something very important about this quote. In his rage and desire for revenge, Tenorio raises the stakes here. Now, he's not only going to kill Ultima; he's going to kill Narciso, too.