Blood Meridian Alcohol and Drugs Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #7

"They were drunk on tiswin they'd brewed and there had been shooting in the night two nights running and an incessant clamor for whiskey" (16.49).

As if alcohol weren't dangerous enough on its own, it turns out that Glanton and his men like to fire their guns randomly when they get drunk, which sounds like pretty much the worst idea ever. And as you might expect, they occasionally hit an innocent bystander and kill them. Unfortunately, there's no police force strong enough to take on Glanton's gang. In fact, it seems like most of the time there's no police force at all.

Quote #8

"Glanton and his men were two days and nights in the streets crazed with liquor" (19.103).

Once again, Glanton and his men run amuck whenever they get drunk together. Their entire lives seem to exist in the steady rhythm of kill people/get drunk/kill people/get drunk.

Quote #9

"Whiskey it is. He set up a glass and uncorked a bottle and poured perhaps half a gill and took the coin" (23.126).

When the judge sees the kid for the first time in ten years, his first instinct is to order some shots of whiskey. Just like old times, eh?