Blood Meridian Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes:

Quote #4

"You don't get you black ass away from this fire I'll kill you graveyard dead" (8.77).

The white John Jackson doesn't want to share the same campfire with the black John Jackson. Why? Because racism. Little does he know that this final insult will come back to bite him.

Quote #5

"In three days they would fall upon a band of peaceful Tiguas camped on the river and slaughter them every soul" (13.17).

Glanton doesn't really care whether the people he's slaughtering are armed. He just rides in and takes them all out. All he sees are non-white people who he wants to wipe from the face of the earth. Some might call this racist, but to us it sounds almost genocidal.

Quote #6

"[They] rode out north in the cold darkness before daybreak carrying with them a contract signed by the governor of the state of Sonora for the furnishing of Apache scalps" (15.1).

Despite his brutal behavior, Glanton always finds a way to get new contracts for hunting Apaches in Mexico. The Mexicans figure that even though Glanton is bad, the Apache raids are even worse. So they'll take on one problem at a time and worry about Glanton after the Apache threat is gone.