The Bluest Eye Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Along with the idea of romantic love, she was introduced to another – physical beauty. Probably the most destructive idea in the history of human thought. Both originated in envy, thrived in insecurity, and ended in disillusion. (3.7.22)

This passage presents us with some of the dangers of love.

Quote #5

She regarded love as possessive mating, and romance as the goal of the spirit. (3.7.22)

Love is a kind of ownership for Pauline.

Quote #6

Pauline and Cholly loved each other. He seemed to relish her company and even to enjoy her country ways and lack of knowledge about city things. He talked with her about her foot and asked, when they walked through the town or in the fields, if she were tired. Instead of ignoring her infirmity, pretending it was not there, he made it seem like something special and endearing. For the first time Pauline felt that her bad foot was an asset. And he did touch her, firmly but gently, just as she had dreamed. But minus the gloom of setting suns and lonely river banks. She was secure and grateful; he was kind and lively. She had not known there was so much laughter in the world. (3.7.14)

Cholly is Pauline's dream come true. Having always felt detached from her family and left out of their fun, the laughter and innocence Cholly provides makes her feel safe, young, and vibrant.