Bomb: The Race to Build—and Steal—the World’s Most Dangerous Weapon Resources


Author Page? Check. Book Page? Check. Whole Package? Check.

Want to know more about Bomb or Steve Sheinkin? This is his website and it's brimming with info.

Steve Sheinkin On Facebook

Send him a friend request…see what happens.


Sheinkin Adorably Allows Adorable Child to Interview Him

This. Is. Adorable.

The Process of Writing the Bomb

Sheinkin is interviewed about how he wrote Bomb, and he shares his various inspirations


Animated Bomb Trailer

Some clever person made a movie trailer for the book—let's just say things get tense.

Steve Sheinkin Can Read…

and he uses that helpful skill to read the opening pages of Bomb to an audience.

Sheinkin Uses the Library Like An Office

He just loves the library. Like, seriously—it's true love.

Ben Franklin is Great At Bedtime Stories

An interview with Sheinkin about why he loves history reveals a cute story about Franklin and John Adams.


Two Minutes of Sheinkin

The author introduces Bomb and shares some of his inspirations.

Glider Poster

Recruiters definitely had a sense of humor…

Scientists Can Look Bored, Too

A bunch of really smart people, gathered to learn about the possibility of atomic bombs…and looking pretty bored.

All That Was Left

This fascinating picture shows where the tower that held the Trinity Bomb used to exist.

Los Alamos's Revealing

After Hiroshima, newspapers finally revealed what had been going on at Los Alamos.

Enola Gay Crew

No shirts, no problem.