Brideshead Revisited Resources

Movie or TV Productions

2008 Movie, starring Emma Thompson

They seem to have completely misinterpreted the book as the story of a poor boy ingratiated with a rich family.

1981 Miniseries

Starring Jeremy Irons as Charles Ryder.


Trailer for the 2008 film

Clearly nothing at all like the novel we all just read.


Evelyn Waugh

At age 26 in this painting.

Book Cover

Sebastian would love this font.

Charles, Sebastian, and the real star – Aloysius.

From the 1981 miniseries with Jeremy Irons.


Full Online Text of Brideshead Revisited

Yes, the title is in Russian, but are you really going to complain about free Waugh?

Time Magazine, Waugh’s Obituary

And they call him an "intellectual dandy"!

A Biography

They only included the weird stuff from Waugh’s life. That’s still a lot of stuff.

"Fierce Little Tragedy"

Time Magazine’s 1946 review of Brideshead Revisited.


A (free!) Online Companion to Brideshead Revisited

Absolutely phenomenal. Do not miss this site. It includes a chronological timeline of the events in the novel, re-ordered from the way they appear in the text, and explanations of all those juicy historical references sprinkled throughout the novel, broken down chapter-by-chapter.

All That Slang

An alphabetized dictionary of Oxford-related slang. Trust us, you’ll need it.

"Waugh in his Own Words"

Transcripts from interviews with the author.

Waugh, "The Shakespeare of the semicolon"

Explores the hallmark of Waugh’s writing style