The Calydonian Boar Hunt Photos

The Calydonian Boar Hunt Photos

Oeneus Makes a Booboo
As Oeneus learned, if you forget to make your sacrifices to Artemis, she will send a giant boar to mess up your kingdom. No excuses accepted.
"The Revenge of Diana on Oeneus, King of Calydon" by Abel de Pujol, 19th C

Boar Extermination Service
Is a pesky giant boar bothering your neighborhood? No worries! Just call Atalanta and Meleager. "The Hunt of Meleagros and Atalante" by Peter Paul Rubens, 1616-1620

Meleager Rocks
This dude was determined that Atalanta would get the hide of the Calydonian Boar, which she so rightly deserved. (Bloody boar hide? A little gross, but whatevs.)
"Meleager and Atalanta" by Jacob Jordaens, 1618

Romantic Boar's Head
Maybe, every budding romance needs a severed boar's head to really make it exciting. (Maybe not.)
"Meleager and Atalanta" by Abraham Janssens, 1625

Killed by his own mom. Man, that's got to hurt. "The Death of Melager" by Francois Boucher, 1727