Sexuality Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Carrie] had bought a special brassiere to go with [her dress], which gave her breasts the proper uplift […] but left their top halves uncovered. (2.1)

Many dresses and bras exist in order to flaunt a woman's body. For one of the first times, here, Carrie's showing a little pride in herself and her own sex appeal. If you've got it, flaunt it—are we right?

Quote #8

Quite often [Chris] lay passively beneath [Billy], not helping or hindering, until it was over. Later, she achieved her own solitary climax while viewing the incident as a single closed loop of memory. (2.96)

The sexual relationship between Chris and Billy is complicated. Both of them think they've got the upper hand. Billy thinks he's "taking" Chris by "having" her whenever he wants, but he isn't really having her… because she's just lying there and not giving him anything back. She's actually giving herself what she wants.

Quote #9

When this was over [Billy] was going to have [Chris] until every other time she'd been had was like two pumps with a f**'s little finger. He was going on her like a raw cob through butter. (2.388)

Um. Ew? The language Chris uses here is about as far from romantic as you can get. And the fact that she's getting turned on by the fact that she's about to humiliate Carrie in front of the whole school makes us feel pretty gross about this whole thing.