The Supernatural Quotes in Carrie

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

[Carrie] opened her eyes. Flex. The bureau rose into the air, trembled for a moment, and then rose until it nearly reached the ceiling. (1.645-1.647)

Carrie's supernatural powers require power, which is why she describes her mind as flexing whenever she moves things. Her telekinesis is like an invisible muscle she's just discovered, and she has to train it in order to make it stronger.

Quote #8

[Carrie] did not know if her gift had come from the lord of light or of darkness, and now, finally finding that she did not care which, she was overcome with an almost indescribable relief. (1.734)

Carrie's power seems to increase tenfold once she stops agonizing over whether it is good or evil. Hm.

Quote #9

[Sue] didn't know how she knew. It bore no relationship to anything she had ever read about telepathy. There were no pictures in her head, no great white flashes of revelation, only prosaic knowledge. (2.918)

We don't know exactly what happens here, except that Carrie starts to form some kind of psychic link with Sue. This link has to be supernatural, but it doesn't seem to be related to either Carrie's telekinesis or that old sci-fi favorite, telepathy. What exactly do you think is happening between Carrie and Sue here?