The Cat in the Hat Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Line)

Quote #1

So all we could do was to
And we did not like it.
Not one little bit. (13-19)

Too much sitting is bound to result in some dissatisfaction, right? Right.

Quote #2

He said, "Do I like this?
Oh, no! I do not." (113-14)

The talking fish is dissatisfaction incarnate. But we have to cut him some slack; the fish considers it his job to protect the kids and the house while Mother is away. When the safety of both is threatened, he has to speak up.

Quote #3

"You will like these two things,"
Said the cat with a bow. (158-59)

Unlike his fishy nemesis, the Cat seems infinitely satisfied with life. Sure, he falls on his head and he's given the boot from the house, but it's just not part of his nature to stay upset for very long.