The Cat in the Hat Lines 294-306 Summary

Return of the Mother (294-306)

  • Our balding youngsters are safely back at the window, watching the rain, when their mother walks in. Mother's face is hidden behind the door, so we never get a good look at her.
  • The first thing she asks them is pretty apropos: "Did you have any fun?" (296). She wants to know what they've been up to.
  • The Cat in the Hat (famously) ends with a dilemma. Sally and her brother don't know whether they should tell their mother about their crazy day or not. Hmmm.
  • Our young narrator ends his tale with a question, "Well.../ What would you do/ if your mother asked YOU?" (306)
  • Good question.
  • Shmoop on over to "What's Up With the Ending?" for our thoughts.