Catch-22 Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #22

"Danby, must I really let them send me home?" Yossarian inquired of him seriously.

Major Danby shrugged. "It's a way to save yourself."

"It's a way to lose myself, Danby." (42.93-95)

Yossarian recognizes that accepting the corrupt deal and letting himself be sent back home is essentially a betrayal of his morals and a denial of his identity. Going home would mean letting Cathcart and Korn win, and losing himself in the process.

Quote #23

[Major Danby to Yossarian:] "And even if they don't find you, what kind of way is that to live? You'll always be alone. No one will ever be on your side, and you'll always live in danger of betrayal."

"I live that way now." (42.150-151)

Yossarian recognizes the fact that escape wouldn't be too bad an option; it won't change the way he's been living – that is, in metaphorical isolation from other men.