Ceremony Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Poem.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The flood water was the color of the earth, of their skin, of the blood, his blood dried brown in the bandages. (V.84)

This observation—that Tayo's skin and dried blood are the same color as the earth and the flood water—creates another connection between Native Americans and the natural world.

Quote #5

The first day in Oakland he and Rocky walked down the street together and a big Chrysler stopped in the street and an old white woman rolled down the window and said, "God bless you, God bless you," but it was the uniform, not them, she blessed. (VI.16)

Tayo's experiences with white people change dramatically when he becomes a soldier in the U.S. Army. But unlike his friends, Tayo isn't fooled by this new treatment he receives from white people.

Quote #6

"See these dumb Indians thought these good times would last. They didn't ever want to give up the cold beer and the blond c***. Hell no! They were America the Beautiful too, this was the land of the free just like the teachers said in school." (VI.21)

Tayo's bitterness and irony tells us that "America the Beautiful" isn't always so pretty. Remember, all the glitters isn't always gold.