Chains Chapter 38 Summary

Tuesday, December 24—Wednesday, December 25, 1776

  • We wish you a merry Christmas… or in Isabel's case, a merry decorating the house with holly and mistletoe as per Madam's orders.
  • Even though Christmas is supposed to be Isabel's day off, Madam continues to push her around and delay the beginning of her free time.
  • When it's finally time for her to enjoy the day, Madam pulls her aside and demands that she stop hanging around the prison and disgracing the family. 
  • Isabel spends her Christmas evening free walking all over New York, thinking about this threat. It occurs to her that the only way Madam can hurt her is with her consent—even if she beats Isabel, even if Isabel doesn't survive it. 
  • When she returns home, she thinks of Momma's Christmas tradition of making bread pudding. Rather than mourn her family's absence, she chooses to honor Momma by celebrating anyway. She makes bread pudding and takes it to Canvastown, where she gives it to a British family living in one of the tents.