Chains Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You always were the best rememberer I ever saw. We used to make a game of it. Tell you a line to memorize, or a song. Didn't matter how much time had passed, you'd have the whole thing in your mouth. Made your parents proud." (3.43)

In terms of memorizing things, Isabel is kind of a child prodigy. Jenny's recollection of her perfect memory, even as a child, foreshadows the way this gift will aid Isabel in her quest for freedom.

Quote #2

"Two words: 'ad astra.' It's Latin; it means 'to the stars.' Will you be able to remember it?"

"I never forget a thing, sir." (16.93-94)

Here's the payoff for that description of Isabel's child prodigy memory: She really doesn't forget anything. If you're going to be a spy at age thirteen, it only helps to be one who can remember stuff on cue. Especially secret passwords.

Quote #3

[Lady Seymour] paused in the doorway. "You miss your parents terribly, don't you?"

"Pardon, ma'am?"

"While you lay in the fever, you spoke of them with great affection, as it they were in the room with us." (24.34-36)

In the midst of the aftermath of her branding, Isabel finds herself completely alone. Even as she lies partly unconscious in her fever, she still draws on the memory of her parents to comfort her.