Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Old Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The bed was given to the four old grandparents because they were so old and tired. They were so tired, they never got out of it. (1.8)

It makes sense that grandparents would be old, but why exactly are these ones so tired? Does being old always mean being tired?

Quote #2

Every one of these old people was over ninety. They were as shriveled as prunes, and as bony as skeletons, and throughout the day, until Charlie made his appearance, they lay huddled in their one bed, two at either end, with nightcaps on to keep their heads warm, dozing the time away with nothing to do. (2.2)

Dahl certainly doesn't make growing old sound like any fun at all.

Quote #3

Like all extremely old people, he was delicate and weak, and throughout the day he spoke very little. But in the evenings, when Charlie, his beloved grandson, was in the room, he seemed in some marvelous way to grow quite young again. All his tiredness fell away from him and he became as eager and excited as a young boy. (2.15)

Maybe the grandparents act so old and tired because they spend all day around other old and tired people. If Charlie were around more, they might all start acting as young as Grandpa Joe does, when Charlie wins the Golden Ticket.