Charlotte's Web The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Wilbur's leftover food is your chief source of supply, Templeton. You know that. Wilbur's food is your food; therefore Wilbur's destiny and your destiny are closely linked." (12.41)

Even Templeton calls the barn home. This means he has to admit that it would be a rough place without Wilbur around. All the animals in the barn seem to depend on each other—and that's what makes it home.

Quote #5

The grownups climbed slowly into the truck and Wilbur heard the engine start and then heard the truck moving away in low speed. He would have felt lonely and homesick, had Charlotte not been with him. He never felt lonely when she was near. (18.19)

At the end of the first day at the fair, the Arables and Zuckermans head back to their farms. Wilbur doesn't get to go "home" to the farm just yet, but he still has his best bud with him. For Wilbur, it sounds like home is where the heart is… or where Charlotte is.

Quote #6

Wilbur was in a panic. He raced round and round the pen. Suddenly he had an idea—he thought of the egg sac and the five hundred and fourteen little spiders that would hatch in the spring. If Charlotte herself was unable to go home to the barn, at least he must take her children along. (21.21)

How sad is it that Charlotte will never go back home to the Zuckerman barn? Super duper sad. At least Charlotte's kiddos will be born in her old home. That'll be something for Wilbur to look forward to.