The Cherry Orchard Theme of Mortality

There's a good amount of death in The Cherry Orchard. It is mentioned over and over. The memory of a dead son and husband haunt the main character, Lubov. The clown threatens to kill himself. Departing family describe the house as "at the end of its life." And though Chekhov isn't explicit about it, we're pretty sure we witness the death of Fiers, the loyal old servant. Just like the shifting social landscape, death is an inevitable part of life.

Questions About Mortality

  1. Do you believe Epikhodov might kill himself?
  2. How do the deaths of her husband and son affect Lubov's relationship to the orchard?
  3. Do you think Fiers dies at the end of the play? If so, why?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Death is a shadow that drives Lubov to love.

The Cherry Orchard is about the death of a way of life.