The Cherry Orchard Wealth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Julius West's translation.

Quote #1

ANYA. She's already sold her villa near Mentone; she's nothing left, nothing. And I haven't a copeck left either; we only just managed to get here. And mother won't understand! We had dinner at a station; she asked for all the expensive things, and tipped the waiters one rouble each. And Charlotta too. Yasha wants his share too--it's too bad. Mother's got a footman now, Yasha; we've brought him here. (1.50)

Though she was raised by Lubov, Anya doesn't have the attachment to luxury she criticizes here. Perhaps, like Varya, she's always lived with anxiety about money.

Quote #2

GAEV. My sister hasn't lost the habit of throwing money about. (1.189)

Like Lubov, Gaev accepts flagrancy with money as part of his birthright. He notices that his sister wastes a lot of money, but certainly makes no move to stop her.

Quote #3

LUBOV. [Looks in her purse] I had a lot of money yesterday, but there's very little to-day. My poor Varya feeds everybody on milk soup to save money, in the kitchen the old people only get peas, and I spend recklessly. [Drops the purse, scattering gold coins] There, they are all over the place. (2.29)

Dropping the gold coins gives us a visual symbol of Lubov's recklessness with money. She recognizes her problem, but does nothing to change her behavior.