Childhood's End Chapter 7 Summary

  • Rupert Boyce sends the invitations to his Party all over the world—yep, capital P for that one—and George Greggson and Jean Morrel fly to Africa to take part in the festivities.
  • They're greeted by a holographic Rupert that meets them near their aircar to take their drink order. Now that's service—or it would be, if holographs could actually serve anything.
  • At the house, they are introduced to the current Mrs. Boyce, and she is gorgeous of the drop-dead variety.
  • George and Jean wander through the house and get the gossip on Rupert and his wives (past, present, and future).
  • They come across the Boyce library, famous for being the preeminent collection on the paranormal and parapsychology.
  • And who should be in there reading but one of the Overlords. His name is Rashaverak.
  • Jean chatters to the Overlord while George studies such a being for the first time.
  • Rupert calls George and Jean down and begins showing off his extraterrestrial guest to the others.
  • More gossipy chit-chat, only now the Shoenbergers have joined George and Jean.
  • George tries to corner Rupert and have him explain what a flesh-and-blood Overlord is doing at the party. Rupert says the dude is just there to study the library—a fact George finds remarkable because why would anybody, much less an Overlord, want to study that?
  • Later in the evening, George escapes to the roof for some fresh air and meets a young man named Jan Rodricks up there. He's Rupert's new brother-in-law.
  • Realizing Jan wants to be left alone, George leaves the frustrated man to be just that.