Chomp Chapter 14 Summary

  • Derek quits for the day and wants to go back to the hotel but the chopper can't fly in bad weather.
  • Complaining to Mickey about his wounds, Derek blames him for what happened and expects Mickey to control the wild animals because he is getting paid.
  • That doesn't fly with Mickey, though, and he lets Derek know that nature doesn't work that way.
  • A big storm is about to hit; Wahoo gets the camp ready and heads into the tent with Tuna.
  • They talk about why she studies Latin names so much and she tells him it is because of how crazy her home life is. That really bums him out so he leaves the tent.
  • Walking through the storm, Wahoo thinks about how different his life is from Tuna's.
  • Without realizing it, Wahoo walks into the crew's base camp and Raven tells him to come into the tent because it is raining. She gives him an Expedition Survival! jacket.
  • Wahoo asks to use their satellite phone, and Raven confesses that she calls her mom in Alabama every day. Aww.
  • Susan knows Wahoo is going to call her so she was already awake—the narrator lets us know that Susan has a telepathic relationship with Wahoo, and that she can sense when he needs her.
  • On the phone, Wahoo tells his mom about Tuna and she tells him to call the police.
  • When Derek finds out that the helicopter isn't coming back for him he throws a giant fit and makes a huge mess. Umm… grow up, dude.
  • Lightning strikes, and Derek gets scared and hides in his tent.
  • Later on at dinner, Derek pigs out even though Raven tells him not to.
  • Then Derek gets the idea to make the snake he grabbed earlier look like a cottonmouth on screen.
  • Suddenly a catering staff member screams and points to a bat on the table.
  • On his empty cheesecake plate, the bat looks ill or something.
  • Derek tells the crew to set up.