City of Bones Chapter 1 Quotes

City of Bones Chapter 1 Quotes

How we cite the quotes:

Quote 4

"Demons, [...] religiously defined as hell's denizens, the servants of Satan, but understood here, for the purposes of the Clave, to be any malevolent spirit whose origin is outside our own home dimension." (1.64)

The Shadowhunters don't seem to know whether demons are the spawn of Satan or not, which goes along with Jace's inner religious conflict. Either way, we don't want to meet any of these demons in a dark alley. Or anywhere. Maybe their religious or non-religious origins are entirely beside the point.

Quote 5

They were dancing [...] in a space between a group of teenage boys in metallic corsets, and a young Asian couple [...], their colored hair extensions tangled together like vines. (1.19)

The partiers at the Pandemonium Club have a very unique sense of fashion. We get the impression Clary and Simon don't dress the same way, giving the Pandemonium Club an otherworldly feel.