The City of Ember Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

The creature was utterly strange, not like anything they had ever known, and yet when it looked at them, some kind of recognition passed between them. "I know now," said Doon. "This is the world we belong in." (20.50)

Yo, kiddos, it's just a fox. Or maybe like a mutant fox. And yet to someone who's never seen a fox before, who's never seen any kind of living creature other than humans and insects, this kind of wildlife encounter is amazing. Doon's smart enough to recognize the similarities of the fox (a mammal) to himself (also a mammal), and from this he deduces that humans are a part of this new natural world as much as foxes are. Which means they can chow down on the same grub—yum.