Clarissa Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Oh no! she is in the next apartment!—securely mine!—mine for ever! (97.3)

Sure sounds like Lovelace is planning to keep Clarissa for a while. But if she's not his wife, does he plan to make her his permanent mistress? We doubt it. Clarissa may be confined, but it doesn't seem like Lovelace puts any limits on his behavior. 

Quote #8

Oh, for a curse to kill with!—Ruined!—Undone! Outwitted, tricked!—Zounds, man, the lady is gone off!—Absolutely gone off! Escaped! (228.1)

Think Lovelace is upset? He can't seem to wrap his mind around the fact that Clarissa, his prisoner, has the resources and confidence to escape by herself. 

Quote #9

I have escaped, Heaven be praised, I have! (230.2)

Clarissa is pretty overjoyed to be free of Lovelace. Although her freedom is temporary, we can't begrudge her a little freedom dance.