Clarissa Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Every possible objection anticipated! Every accident provided against!—Every tittle of it plot-proof! (131.2)

Lovelace seems to devote every waking hour to seducing Clarissa. Dude really needs to get a hobby that doesn't involve seducing girls. Cool thing: notice that he says his plan is "plot-proof." Guess who else comes up with plots? That's right: writers. Maybe Richardson is the manipulator we should really be worried about. 

Quote #5

Your beloved's honour is inviolate!—Must be inviolate! And will be so, in spite of men and devils (181.1)

Anna reassures Mrs. Norton that Clarissa is basically immune to manipulation. If we take her word for it, then we have to think Clarissa heads to her fate with open eyes—because she thinks it's her best option. Pretty sad. 

Quote #6

'Tis my pride to subdue girls who know too much to doubt their knowledge; and to convince them that they know too little to defend themselves from the inconveniencies of knowing too much (199.13)

Okay, so Lovelace sometimes speaks in riddles. It's not just about tricking Clarissa—he also considers Anna to be fair game. And notice here that he doesn't want to seduce Anna; he just wants to take her down a peg or two.