Code Name Verity Part 2, Chapter 5 Summary

  • As it turns out, Maddie is staying with the Thibaut family, who are working for the French Resistance even as their son, Etienne, is working for the Nazis at the Ormaie Gestapo.
  • Because Etienne's family is local, they're required to serve the Gestapo staff a home-cooked meal once a month. We assume while seriously covering up any Resistance activities.
  • This month, Etienne shows up for Sunday dinner wearing a serious goose-egg. When his family gives him a hard time about it, the woman who comes with them, who we can only assume is Fräulein Engel, tells Mitraillette, the eldest Thibaut daughter, that he got the injury from a woman.
  • It's been three weeks since their arrival in France, and Maddie still doesn't know where Julie is, but she's pretty sure Julie is responsible for Etienne's injury.